Playtest 1.0.1

New update! I will probably keep this playtest up indefinitely until I release the public beta so I can always gather feedback. I will also *try* to update regularly.

  • NEW GUN: Pistol-45, an alternate dimension version of the Pistol. Higher shoot rates, higher bullet speeds but lower damage.
  • NEW ENEMY: Snaz, will not damage you but teleport you to a random spot on the map.
  • Up to 6-8x increase in performance.
  • Now 144fps!
  • Some changes to the enemies (most are subtle)
  • You now spawn near the hatchet
  • Hatchet weight requirement increased to like 450 on start

Shoutout to CoMiGo, gave alot of the feedback i implemented on this update!


Crazy Play in browser
Mar 15, 2024

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